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Living above the Snake Line (Audiobook)

This is the audiobook of Living above the Snake Line, downloadable in MP3 format for any digital device. Recorded by a Grammy-nominated production company and professionally narrated, this is an unabridged audio recording. This audiobook is also available at Audible.com.

This product is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, no physical item is mailed out. Once purchased, an e-mail is immediately generated with the download link to save the MP3s to your computer.

***PLEASE NOTE: As with all our digital materials, DotR Partners have unlimited access to this product free of charge. Please visit the Partner page for more details on how to sign up!***


This book provides a unique perspective on the theology of deliverance, while outlining God's desire for all of His children to come into such a state of intimacy with Him that they are living above the daily harassments of the enemy His Son defeated at the cross.

Price: $14.95


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 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. (NIV)  Isaiah 43:18-19