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Shelter from the Storm, Vol. 2 (Audiobook)

*** This is a PRE-ORDER for the AUDIOBOOK (digital only MP3s) of Shelter from the Storm, Vol. 2, which is scheduled to be released August 2022. Since this audiobook is still in production, that date might change a couple of weeks. The audiobook will be narrated by the authors, Andrew and Christy. ***

CLICK HERE to Pre-Order the PRINT Book Format!

As a special offer for pre-ordered copies of this audiobook, we are including free downloads of any TWO audiobooks from James Maloney. You will be notified by e-mail to select which audiobooks you'd like to receive.


The storms of life threaten all of us at one time or another, leaving us feeling lost, alone and without any hope. We all face adversities in the name of relationships, mental and physical health, the pain of loss, work stress, finances and persecution. Our relationship with Jesus Christ does not always exclude us from all the unpleasant circumstances life sometimes throws our way. But the Bible makes it clear that when we turn our lives over to God and pursue Him wholeheartedly, He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6), no matter what our temporary situation looks like in the natural. The truth is, we are never alone, and there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24), granting to us out of His great mercy an inexhaustible supply of power and love to weather any life-storm we face. Through it all, He ensures we are more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37)

This second of two volumes in a year-long daily devotional highlights nearly a hundred of the most comforting and powerful verses on how God is our Shelter from the storm. Streamlined commentary unveils the truth of each passage and offers practical application to incorporate in one’s daily life. This devotional outlines the source material for your unwavering faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and offers biblical proof that we will be carried through the storm and rise above!


Day 193

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” James 1:17

The context of this verse is James’ discourse on trials and temptations. He makes it clear that God only gives good and perfect gifts, and therefore, the negative circumstances we undergo do not originate from Him. It is incorrect theology to believe that God creates the storms of life as a form of punishment. We’re not always to blame for our storms, either (though sometimes we are.) This world system, which was originally created without flaw, both good and perfect, has been infected with the principle of sin and death. The vast majority of our storms originate from here.

However, because He is good and perfect, He works within the framework of those storms to bestow His gifts through the covenant we keep with Jesus Christ, executed by the power of His Spirit residing within ours. And further still, this covenant is kept perpetually for all time because the Father has “no variation.” He is incapable of changing. So if He has provided shelter from the storm through our relationship with the Son, you can rest assured that will never be altered by Him!


This audiobook will also be available at Audible.com.

This product is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, no physical item is mailed out. Once the audiobook is released, an e-mail will be sent out with the download link to save the MP3s to your computer.

***PLEASE NOTE: As with all our digital materials, DotR Partners have unlimited access to this product free of charge. Please visit the Partner page for more details on how to sign up!***

Price: $19.99


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 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.  Psalm 119:11