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What is Love? (DotR Devotional Series)

James goes through the biblical definitions for love, and why we need to walk in the God-kind of love throughout our lives.

This is the eighth teaching from James Maloney in the ongoing devotional series. These powerful teachings are condensed to 30 minutes or less, and provide a wonderful addition to your daily devotions: on the way to work or cooking dinner, alone or with the family, we believe these teachings will add to your faith and draw you into a closer relationship with the Lord.

This product is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, no physical item is mailed out. Once purchased, an e-mail is immediately generated with the download link to save the MP3(s) to your computer. The files can be played on any device: laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players. They can also be burned to CDs if your computer is so equipped.

***PLEASE NOTE: As with all our digital materials, DotR Partners have unlimited access to this product free of charge. Please visit the Partner page for more details on how to sign up!***

Price: $3.00


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 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  Psalm 23:1